Plasma Simulation Courses

2024 Schedule

This year I will be teaching the introductory PIC Fundamentals class from May 21st to July 30th. The course will consist of 8 lessons during which you will learn how to develop ES-PIC simulation codes through examples. There will be a 3 week break between lessons 4 and 5 due to summer conference travel. Register now: early bird rate is valid until April 30th!

Update 4/30/2024: Early bird extended until this Friday, May 3rd, mainly due to not yet getting around to sending out a reminder email. Please register soon. As of today, there are already 22 students registered.

Fundamentals of the PIC method introduces the Particle in Cell method used for kinetic plasma simulations using a step-by-step approach. We develop 1D, 3D, and 2D (axisymmetric) codes to simulate plasma sheath, E×B transport, plasma flow past a charged sphere, and a simple ion gun.

Past Course Listing

In addition, recordings from prior live courses are also available. You will also receive a certificate of completion if all assignments are completed.

Advanced PIC Techniques covers topics beyond the scope of the intro course. It covers three main concepts: electromagnetic PIC (EM-PIC), Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) collision modeling, and finite element PIC (FEM-PIC).

Distributed Computing for Plasma Applications demonstrates how to developed parallel codes that utilize multiple CPUs with multithreading and MPI distributed computing and graphics cards using CUDA to handle large simulation domains or to reduce run time.

Fluid Modeling
introduces Eulerian approaches for solving plasma flows. We cover single and multi-fluid MHD equation, hybrid approaches with detailed electron model, and advanced topics like Vlasov solvers.

Introduction to Plasma Simulation Methods is a crash course on Particle in Cell (PIC) and Eulerian MHD methods for simulating plasmas. Following my textbook, use use a step-by-step approach to develop 1D, 2D, and 3D structured and unstructured codes, and also learn about electromagnetics, collisions, and code parallelization.


Course Selection
Course NameFullUniE/B
PIC Fundamentals 320 250
Distributed Computing 320 250
Advanced PIC 320 250
Fluid Modeling 320 250
Plasma Sim Methods 320 250
Total: 0 USD

Excludes returning-student discount

Register for two or more courses and receive a 20% discount

Check to select the discounted student rate
Registration Information Name:
Affiliation: (optional for full rate, required if registering for student rate)
Email Address: (student area access information will be sent here)

Returning students: use the same email address used previously to receive 20% discount when registering for a single course

You will be able to review your information on the next page


Very good class that allows a person to start understanding PIC concepts with a basic background in physics. I look forward to the next class. – Cheong C., Aug 2024

I am halfway through the course and I really have to thank you because you have made complex subject accessible, especially for those who do not have a computational background. – DM

This is a great course! – KD

Thank you for all courses, which were, and will be, very helpful for my work. – WK

Some of my students have taken your PIC course couple years ago and in general find the experience useful and rewarding. Having access to these type of courses is especially important for me, as myself I am not a computational person and have to rely on collaborators for help with computations for my students. – Prof. A. S.